Going back in time…

300 years ago today,
What would I be doing?
What would I say?
Who would I be?

300 years ago today,
What would be the fashion?
Would it all be dark and grey?
What would my life be like?

300 years ago today,
Where would I be?
In soiciety where would I lay?
What I be able to see?

300 years ago today,
I would not be educated,
It would never be my place to say.
I’d most likely have a child.

I would have the right to vote,
I would have no good jobs,
Prehaps I’d have to milk the goat,
I would be seen and unheard.

I would be taught how to iron and cook,
I would be taught how to mother a child,
I would not be able to read a book,
Or write a word, I’d be so Bored!

I cant imagine being 300 years ago,
Without my laptop and poetry,
what would I do, where would I go?
Wow would I’d be increddibly bored.