One day I shall stand…

It’s dark right now
I can see no light
It’s cold right now
There is no end in sight

It’s dark right now
I feel so alone
It’s cold right now
This place I call home

It’s dark right now
A whisper in the air
It’s cold right now
But no one is there

It’s dark right now
Can’t find the door
It’s cold right now
On the barren floor

It’s dark right now
Did I hear a knock
It’s cold right now
There I feel a knot
It’s  dark right now
I hold on to the rope
It’s cold right now
Holding on with hope

It’s dark right now
It’s cold right now
But I have hope in my hands
And once again I will stand

Don’t Look!

Don’t look at me,
Don’t talk to me,
Don’t listen to me.

Please just pretend I’m not here…

See the smile,
Hear the joy,
Listen to the laugh.

Don’t look at me.
Don’t talk to me,
Don’t listen to me.

Please just pretend I’m not here.

Ignore the tears,
Ignore the screams,
Ignore the pleas.

Don’t look at me… look at the mask
Don’t talk to me… talk to the mask
Don’t listen to me… listen to the mask…

Please just pretend I’m not here
Its far easier to just be that mask.


Cold concrete floor tonight,
Not sure where tomorrow,
I’ll spend my money on alcohol,
It tends to drown my sorrow.

All I once had was taken,
Now all I have left,
A photo of what I lost,
A photo I hold so dear.

I sit on streets invisable
The people pass me by,
They never take a moment,
Or pause to wonder why.

I am unseen, unwanted, unloved,
An outcast of society,
No help is there for me,
No body can see,

Im here because I’m broken,
My heart is torn to shreds,
My dignity was taken many years ago
My life now hangs on the edge.

I go unseen, nothing noone.
I go unheard, invisable.
I go unwanted, story of my life.
I go unloved, alone in this cruel world.

The Internal Battle

The Internal Battle

Two sides prepare for battle.,
Arguments in fisted hands.
Insults crafted into blades.
Harsh words like bullets.
Masks worn as armour.
A shield I have not.

No where to hide,
In the barren land,
No way to shelter,
From the hatred of man.
The blades collide.
The bullets are shot.

The fisted hands,
conflict with the mask.
The smile transforms,
Into anger and thrath.
Blades slice and wounds run deep,
The internal battle is put to sleep.

How Can I Live So Normally…

How can we act so normal…

How can I act like it’s a normal day,
When you’re not in it?
how can I pretend that I’m ok,
When I think of you each minute?
How can I say I’m alright,
When your not there for me?
How can I live a so normally,
When normal is no more?

How can I act like it’s a normal day,
When I cant see you smile?
How can I pretend I’m ok,
When I cant feel your hugs?
How can I say I’m alright,
When I feel so empty inside?
How can I live normally,
Without you in my life?

How can I act like its a normal day,
When I call you and you don’t answer?
how can I pretend I’m ok,
when I cry myself to sleep each night?
How can I say I’m alright,
When all I knew and loved is gone?
How can I live so normally,
When inside I disintegrate?

How can I act like its a normal day,
When everything reminds me of you?
How can I pretend I’m ok,
When all I see is you?
How can I say I’m alright,
When I’ve lost someone so dear?
How can I live so normally,
When my life is full of fear?

How can I act like it’s a normal day,
When questioning whose next?
How can I pretend I’m ok,
When I see your name?
How can I say I’m alright,
When we lay flowers at your grave?
How can I live so normally,
When my superhero is gone?



Floppy ears, and twitchy noses,
Ginger, white and grey,
If a rabbit could talk
I wonder what it would say.

‘Give me Carrots, I want Carrots!’
With its twitchy nose sniffing the air
Bouncing, hopping and jumping around
Flipping and flopping, without a care

Small sweet eyes and small paws
shuffling around, eating the grass
Hopping and pouncing lying on all fours.
If only a rabbit could talk.

Going back in time…

300 years ago today,
What would I be doing?
What would I say?
Who would I be?

300 years ago today,
What would be the fashion?
Would it all be dark and grey?
What would my life be like?

300 years ago today,
Where would I be?
In soiciety where would I lay?
What I be able to see?

300 years ago today,
I would not be educated,
It would never be my place to say.
I’d most likely have a child.

I would have the right to vote,
I would have no good jobs,
Prehaps I’d have to milk the goat,
I would be seen and unheard.

I would be taught how to iron and cook,
I would be taught how to mother a child,
I would not be able to read a book,
Or write a word, I’d be so Bored!

I cant imagine being 300 years ago,
Without my laptop and poetry,
what would I do, where would I go?
Wow would I’d be increddibly bored.



A heart, a sign of love,
A tear, a sign of sadness,
A hug, a sign of friendship,
A smile, a sign of hapiness.

A butterfly, a sign of hope,
A dove, a sign of peace,
An X, a sign of a kiss.

The sun a sign of brightness,
The rain, a sign of sorrow,
The snow, a sign of freshness,
The wind, a sign of change.

A cloud, a sign of dreams,
A handshake, a sign of aquantance,
The Yin-Yang, a sign of life cycle
A fist, a sign of violence,

An egg, a sign of things to begin
A circle, a sign of continuing life,
A snaks, a sign of the sin.
A tree, a sign of life.

Davids star, a sign of Jewish faith,
A candle, a sign of enlightenment
A shamrock, a sign of luck,
Building blocks, a symbol of an infant.

If I were a superhero…

If I were a superhero, I would be,
Presuassive and persistant to make others see,
I would help others and volunteer,
I would help others conquer fear.

I would make the world safe,
Help everyone keep their faith,
Allow no-one to live in pain,
To help those labled as insane.

I would help others to help themselves,
To help science cure the ill,
To outlaw cancer, and other disease,
To make sure that I will please.